About DRI

DRI Chicago Skyline

DRI is the largest international membership organization of attorneys defending the interests of business and individuals in civil litigation. Membership in DRI provides access to resources and tools for attorneys who strive to provide high-quality, balanced, and excellent service to their clients and corporations.

These resources include:

DRI members can also join 30 substantive law committees whose focus is to develop ongoing and critical dialogue about areas of practice.

Our Mission Statement

DRI is committed to:

  • Enhancing the skills, effectiveness, and professionalism of defense lawyers;
  • Anticipating and addressing issues germane to defense lawyers and the civil justice system;
  • Promoting appreciation of the role of the defense lawyer;
  • Improving the civil justice system and preserving the civil jury; and
  • Seeking out and embracing the innumerable benefits and contributions a diverse membership provides

Our Membership

Being a part of DRI affords you the opportunity to utilize our resources and programs to help expand your network, grow your career, and build your business. We are not just a part of your career; we’re a partner in your career.

Our Team

Meet the people furthering our mission as Lawyers Representing Business.

Our History

DRI was originally formed in 1960 under the auspices of the International Association of Insurance Counsel (IAIC) for the purpose of providing information and education to the defense bar, members of the insurance industry, and defendants. After increased growth in membership and lobbying and legislative activities, DRI became an independent organization in 1995, at which time it granted $750,000 to the IAIC Foundation in recognition of the IAIC-DRI partnership from 1960 to 1995.

Learn more about DRI’s full history (PDF)

Our Antitrust Policy

DRI, Lawyers Representing Business, intends to comply with all applicable antitrust laws. Accordingly, DRI cannot, and will not, tolerate conduct that could lead to, or even suggest, agreement among its members that might restrain trade or violate such laws. All such conduct is a violation of DRI policy.

Unanimously adopted by the DRI Board of Directors, June 16, 2013, in Prague, Czech Republic.