Toxic Torts and Environmental Law

Roy D. Prather, III
Roy D. Prather, III Committee Chair Beveridge & Diamond PC Baltimore, MD

About the Committee

Toxic tort and environmental tort claims continue to be among the most challenging for the defense practitioner due to the evolution of new strategies and theories from the plaintiffs’ bar. In an effort to help the defense law bar meet these challenges, the primary objective of the Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee is to provide members with the most current and reliable scientific, medical and legal information available. The Committee fulfills this role through its annual seminar, an expert witness information sharing network, an electronic newsletter, a dedicated issue of For The Defense and by connecting practitioners with a vast network of accomplished defense attorneys.

The Committee’s annual continuing legal education seminar has proven to be the most comprehensive and high-quality seminar available for the many lawyers across the country who defend toxic tort and environmental claims. The seminar focuses on both basic and cutting-edge scientific, medical, forensic and legal issues involved in toxic tort and environmental law claims. As an ongoing supplement to the annual seminar, the Committee publishes an electronic newsletter and a dedicated issue of For The Defense that features comprehensive, relevant and informative articles on a wide range of subjects important to our practice.

In addition to the annual seminar and publications, the Committee makes the most current scientific, medical and legal information available to its members through an expert witness information sharing e-mail network that facilitates the exchange of information about plaintiffs’ and defense experts. It assures that Committee members have access to the most current depositions and other information on expert witnesses.

The Committee has actively encouraged participation of the American Chemistry Council and its member-company lawyers in Committee activities, including planning and implementing our seminar. The involvement of ACC member-company lawyers in our Committee has also provided an excellent opportunity to address, firsthand, the legal and practical issues that are most important to our client companies.

The Committee membership is sophisticated, but also enjoys the special camaraderie of professionals dedicated to providing the best legal and scientific defense for individual clients and to the industry in general. If your practice is dedicated in whole or in part to the defense of toxic torts and/or environmental claims, you should become a member and take advantage of the benefits.

Additional Resources