• Webinars
    The Anatomy of A Bank Sweep: What to Do After It Happens, And What You May Want to Try Before It Does

    This presentation: defines "Bank Sweeps"; provides both the Bank's perspective and the Surety’s perspective; the underlying competing objective of mitigation of losses; taking a proactive approach; quantifying that portion of the sweep that came from bonded versus non-bonded contract revenues; priority interests as to each; and steps the Surety can take to go about protecting those interests.

    We will also address practical ways to co-exist with banks and how to potentially achieve a win-win for both the Surety and the Bank as to the available Indemnitor funds, while avoiding protracted and expensive litigation (keeping in mind that the bank sweep may have already occurred before the Surety was contacted by the principal).

    The registration rate is $75 for DRI members and $150 for non-members.
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  • Seminars
    2021 Governmental Liability Virtual Boot Camp

    The DRI Governmental Liability Boot Camp is a one-day virtual seminar that will focus on the basics of 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 and defending constitutional tort claims. Attendees will have the chance to earn up to 4.75 hours of CLE and hear from past chairs of the Governmental Liability Committee. The program will start with an overview of Section 1983 litigation and then delve more deeply into specific claims and defenses. The presentation will benefit the new lawyer just learning about this area of the law or the seasoned practitioner who needs a refresher. Register today!

    Attendees will be able to earn up to 4.75 CLE credits.

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  • Webinars
    Media Relations for Law Firms: Grow Your Firm Through Greater Brand Visibility

    Sponsored by Reputation Ink

    When law firms invest in media relations, they are investing in growth. How does this work? How can a bylined article, TV or podcast interview or quote in an article lead to more clients?

    In this webinar by Reputation Ink’s Principal & President Michelle Calcote King, law firm leaders will learn about the latest research behind brand visibility and firm growth, as well as the science behind business to business (B2B) decision-making. They will also learn the strategies that leading law firms use to regularly achieve media coverage and position themselves as thought leaders in their fields.
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  • Webinars
    Risks Related to Extreme Weather and Climate Change

    Sponsored by Exponent

    A team of risk mitigation and environment experts discuss how to anticipate and prepare for major weather events. The presentation also discusses responses after these events, including how to defend, mitigate, and transfer risk.

    Lamis El Didi, M.S., Principal, Exponent
    Susan C. Paulsen, Ph.D., P.E., Principal Scientist & Practice Director, Exponent
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  • Webinars
    Advanced Failure Analysis for Lithium-Ion Batteries

    Sponsored by Exponent

    In this presentation, we will share Exponent’s approach to failure analysis of lithium-ion batteries. Following our outside-in methodology from the exterior electronics to interior cell chemistry, we will identify critical features observed in certain failures and essential analytical techniques used to pinpoint root cause. We will also address the challenges related to failure analysis of batteries with larger form factors and higher energy densities, and we will show how we have adapted our methodology to the characteristics of these specific batteries.

    Troy Hayes, Ph.D., P.E., Principal Engineer, Exponent
    Adam Cohn, Ph.D., Senior Associate, Exponent
    Hernan Sanchez, Ph.D., Senior Managing Scientist, Exponent
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  • Webinars
    American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z535 Updates: News from the 2021 Committee Meetings

    Sponsored by Rimkus

    Join this webinar for key insights from the ANSI Z535 committee meetings, including potential updates and other insights to have on your radar, including the ANSI Z535 background, additional wordless options, translation, and the potential for putting safety information online.

    Jared Frantz, M.S.E., CHFP, Applied Safety and Ergonomics, part of the Rimkus Consulting Group
    Judith J. Isaacson, M.S., C.P.S.M, Applied Safety and Ergonomics, part of the Rimkus Consulting Group
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  • Webinars
    Defensive Testing - Using Data as a Shield

    Sponsored by S-E-A

    The presentation will explore the tactics, benefits, and hurdles of performing electrical testing to defend a product manufacturer in a subrogation suit. We’ll look at proper methodology, governing scientific principles, the lack of standards and protocols, testing data collection, and testing documentation. Lastly, defensive testing case studies will be shared and discussed.

    Michael K. Rupp, P.E., CFEI, CVFI, S-E-A
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  • Webinars
    It’s a Jungle Out There: Hacking, Fraud, and Social Engineering Exploits Against Lawyers

    Sponsored by LawyerGuard

    If you haven’t been already been hacked, defrauded, deceived, victimized, socially engineered, or otherwise targeted, you will be. What can and should you do to protect yourself and your clients against malicious actors? How can you recognize the latest scams and exploits designed to separate you from the money in your business and trust accounts? What are your ethical obligations when you’ve been the target of, or victimized by, fraud? What are the insurance implications of falling for a scam? Join us to discuss loss-prevention strategies to keep you, your clients, and your money safe.

    Noah D. Fiedler is the managing partner of Hinshaw's Milwaukee office and a member of the firm's Lawyers for the Profession® practice group. He has extensive experience defending lawyers in malpractice claims, as well as counseling individual lawyers, law firms and legal departments on risk management and ethics issues. With his vast knowledge on the subject, Noah has been vital in developing a variety of risk management resources, including Hinshaw's Safety Net®. He is also the co-editor of Hinshaw's Lawyers' Lawyer Newsletter and Cyber Alerts.

    Kevin J. Sullivan is the Senior Vice President - Program Manager for the LawyerGuard Program, which provides lawyers professional liability insurance to law firms on a nationwide basis. He has over 35 years of professional liability underwriting/management experience, focusing on lawyers professional liability since 1995.
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  • Webinars
    The Product Liability Implications of a More Aggressive CPSC

    Sponsored by ESi

    The public skirmish with Peloton provides a glimpse of what’s to come under a more aggressive CPSC. The agency is reorganized internally for greater use of its enforcement powers and has already flexed its muscles with two monster civil penalties in 2021 racking up $20M in fines. As regulatory compliance and product liability litigation are inextricably intertwined, former CPSC Commissioner Joe Mohorovic will explain what we can expect from the CPSC under the Biden Administration and where a record of engagement with CPSC effects product liability defense.

    Joseph P. Mohorovic, CPSM, Senior Managing Consultant, ESi
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  • Fly-In
    2021 Life, Health and Disability Committee Fly-In Meeting

    You are invited to attend the 2021 Life, Health and Disability Committee Fly-in Meeting.

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  • Fly-In
    2021 Employment and Labor Law Committee Fly-In Meeting

    You are invited to attend the 2021 Employment and Labor Law Committee Fly-in Meeting.

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  • Webinars
    Engineering Design and Product Liability Failure Investigation

    Sponsored by Envista Forensics

    Join this webinar with Melissa Simpson, PE with Envista Forensics for a detailed framework of what is used during loss investigations and considerations that go into root cause analysis to determine what the cause of a specific failure was.

    Melissa Simpson, PE, Envista Forensics
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  • Webinars
    Lessons from the Pandemic (Or Please Can We Get Back to Business as Usual?)
    For more than a year the workforce has been in a crisis mode and employers are ready to get back to normal, but what will normal look like in a post-pandemic world? Are we able to go back to pre-pandemic operations? Do we want to? This session will look at what we learned in the pandemic, both internally and from groups like the EEOC and OSHA, and what steps we should consider when trying to get back to normal.

    The registration rate is $75 for DRI members and $150 for non-members.
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  • Webinars
    Materials That Set Themselves on Fire - Investigating Spontaneous Combustion

    Sponsored by Exponent

    Accidental fires happen in every industry and every setting. They can be the most destructive and therefore the most difficult type of loss to investigate, because the fire has often destroyed the evidence necessary to conclusively determine the cause. The average person is very familiar with piloted ignition as a fire cause (lit match plus gasoline equals fire), but there is another lesser known fire cause to consider in many situations: spontaneous combustion. Spontaneous combustion involves a material generating and accumulating enough heat internally that it eventually ignites itself without the application of an outside ignition source. This presentation introduces the concepts underlying spontaneous combustion, such as self-heating, exothermic reactions, and thermal runaway. Spontaneous combustion is an often overlooked and poorly understood pathway to ignition for an accidental fire. The session will cover multiple materials such as residential laundry, hazardous waste, and industrial chemicals to give the attendees the understanding necessary to ask the right questions in fire, explosion, and reactive chemical incident investigations.

    Dr. Delmar "Trey" Morrison, III, Ph.D., P.E., CCPSC, FAIChE, CFEI | Principal Engineer | Exponent
    Dr. Sean J. Dee, Ph.D., P.E., CFEI | Managing Engineer | Exponent
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  • Webinars
    21st Century Data in Accident Reconstruction

    Sponsored by S-E-A

    A revolution in transportation has started as autonomous features are introduced and new technologies emerge. As vehicle takes control of driving tasks, the safety systems are recording data. Understanding these new Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and the electronic records will provide valuable data to the crash analysis. We will explore what is available, how to use it, and what is coming next.

    Shawn P. Ray, P.E., ACTAR, ASE, CFEI, CVFI, CFII | Senior Mechanical Engineer | S-E-A
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  • Webinars
    Beyond Fault: What to Look for in a Damages Expert

    Sponsored by DeeGee Rehabilitation Technologies

    Join Dan Thompson, President and CEO of DeeGee Rehabilitation Technologies, for this insightful webinar inspired by his own life experience and designed to explore the key role that a damages expert can play in product liability cases, as well as key guidance for how defense professionals can leverage national resources to support their findings.

    Dan Thompson | President & CEO | DeeGee Rehabilitation Technologies
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  • Fly-In
    2021 DRI Leadership Conference

    You are invited to attend the 2021 DRI Leadership Conference.

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  • Webinars
    How Proper Video Analysis Can Impact Case Evidence

    Sponsored by J.S. Held

    When there’s video recording an event, you might not be getting the whole picture. Due to various visual factors, depending on the case, you’re probably leaving some evidence on the table. View this presentation to learn how, without proper video analysis and videogrammetry, evidence within body-worn cameras and other videos can be overlooked or misinterpreted. 

    Toby Terpstra, Principal Forensic Animator, J.S. 

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  • Webinars
    Paying Twice: Protecting Clients From MSP Liabilities
    Thank You to DRI’s Webinar Partner: Medicare Advocacy Recovery Coalition (MARC)

    This webinar will provide an update on developments in Medicare Secondary Payer compliance. The discussion will include a brief overview of the Medicare Secondary Payer Act, MMSEA reporting and the PAID Act. The overview will be followed by a discussion of recent case law and practical implications, including potential exposure as well as how to mitigate risk through the course of discovery, proper release language, documentation, and the importance of communication across the bar and between the parties. The webinar will conclude with a discussion of what to expect next with respect to Medicare Secondary Payer compliance.

    The registration rate is $75 for DRI members and $150 for non-members.
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  • Webinars
    Emerging Asbestos Trends: Where Filings Meet Epidemiology

    Sponsored by KCIC

    Join KCIC’s Elizabeth Hanke and Megan Shockley as they pinpoint actionable insights with an in-depth look at the current state of asbestos litigation nationwide and a deep dive into how epidemiological data and models like Nicholson are predicting not only mesothelioma, but lung cancer diagnoses and subsequent lawsuits. In this 50-minute webinar, KCIC will review the following data to shine a light on what the future of asbestos litigation might hold.

    1. National asbestos filing statistics for 2018–2020 and a look at 2021 so far: Trends by disease, jurisdiction, plaintiff counsel

    2. Plaintiff exposure attributes that will affect the future of this litigation: Date of first exposure trends, secondary vs. primary exposure trends, male vs. female

    3. Epidemiological data and models used for predicting future asbestos cases: Mesothelioma and lung cancer incidence rates from SEER and CDC data, Nicholson model projections, How asbestos filings compare to incidence rates over time

    4. External factors that can affect a defendant’s experience: Publicity, Bad Verdicts, Bankruptcy of other similar defendants

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