2021 Fire Science and Litigation Virtual Seminar Agenda

*Schedule and Speakers subject to change
Attend this virtual seminar, Thursday, February 11, to whet your appetite for DRI’s second live burn and fire investigation training that will take place on September 9, 2021. This virtual seminar will build upon the 2018 seminar, with sessions highlighting spontaneous combustion as a fire cause and a kitchen fire scene investigation. The following will also be covered:
- Fire patterns and arc mapping information to evaluate hypothetical fire causes
- A hands-on "find the arced wire" test, which will challenge you in terms of your electrical fire damage knowledge
- The destructive nature of flashover in a simulated living room fire, which includes a video and associated mathematical modeling of fire growth for the flashover burn
- Investigation of fire impact on buildings and their occupants
Earn up to 3.5 hours of CLE credit while learning about this hot topic.
View the CLE Grid (PDF)
View the Speaker List
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