2021 Strictly Automotive Seminar

Strictly Automotive Seminar

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General Information

DRI's 2021 Strictly Automotive Seminar takes place on Thursday, September 9 to Saturday, September 11 at Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, D.C.

Join DRI's Strictly Automotive Specialized Litigation Group in Washington D.C. to emerge in sophisticated discussions with leading motor vehicle manufacturers and suppliers on the everchanging industry. Attendees have the opportunity to discover the future of alternative fuel vehicles, including electric, fully electric, and hydrogen fuel cell; explore new ways to use jury psychology and mock jury research to enhance trial strategies; and much more.

EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY – Watch as experts set fire to a motor vehicle, and learn about important ways to analyze the resultant fire damage and its impact on evidence collection and scene preservation.

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CLE Information

Earn up to 11.50 hours of continuing legal education, including 1 hour of ethics credit from this seminar.

Seminar CLE Information



DRI's 2021 Strictly Automotive Seminar is proudly sponsored by:

Campbell Trial Lawyers

CED Technologies


Exponent logo


If you would like to contact DRI about seminar sponsorship opportunities, including pricing, or to reserve a spot, please go to Advertising and Sponsorship.


DRI Cares

stuff-the-busStrictly Auto is teaming up with the United Way and its Stuff the Bus program to deliver local middle school children with a backpack full of school supplies that will help these kids meet their basic educational needs and succeed throughout their academic year.  A single donation of $25 provides one backpack full of critical supplies to a student in need.  Learn more about Stuff the Bus.


In-House Counsel and Claims Executives Initiatives

Read the In-House Counsel and Claims Executives Initiatives


Thank You to DRI's Product Liability Committee

Heather Russell Fine
Program Chair

Michael McCaskey
Program Vice Chair

James E. Weatherholtz
Committee Chair

Gretchen Miller
Committee Vice Chair

Glenn Zakaib
Law Institute


Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding DRI programs, please contact DRI Customer Service at 312.795.1101 or custservice@dri.org.