DRI Young Lawyers Committee: Get Involved!
Are you looking to get more involved in DRI’s Young Lawyers Committee? Here is the answer. There are numerous ways to get involved in DRI's Young Lawyers Committee. Now is a great time because there are many opportunities associated with our annual seminar. There are also ways to get involved in addition to the seminar that is detailed below.
Feel free to contact Committee Chair Sarah Madsen, Vice-Chair Christiane Fife, Second-Vice Chair Josh Webb, or any of the individuals listed below. These opportunities are a great way to network with young lawyers across the country. Here are some selected opportunities:
Opportunities Associated with Seminar
Volunteer to help market our seminar. This is the best and easiest way to get involved with our committee! If you are interested, please contact Baxter Drennon or Emily Motto.
Our committee will be performing a service project in association with the seminar. If you are interested in getting the word out or helping to plan contact Elizabeth Sorenson Brotten.
If you are an in-house counsel and would like to know more about the in-house only breakout session associated with our seminar, please contact Jeremy Falcone.
If your firm is interested in being a sponsor at our seminar, please contact Evan Holden.
Opportunities to Publish
We are looking for authors!!
- The Voice, DRI's monthly e-magazine. Our committee contributes an article every 8 weeks or so. Please contact editor Matt Bruno or our co-editor Kristi Lemanski.
- For The Defense, DRI's monthly magazine, has a dedicated issue each year that our committee produces, typically in Spring. These are longer articles that go out to DRI's entire membership. If you are interested, please contact Suzanne Whitehead or Lauren Bragin.
New Opportunities to Join a Subcommittee
We are ramping up some of our subcommittees to cast a wider net to get more members involved in certain committee initiatives.
- Membership: If you are interested in assisting in the recruitment of new members to DRI, contact Bryan Browning or John Cattie.
- Webinars: If you would like to be involved in planning and promoting programming in addition to our seminar, contact Jordan Silk.
- Social Media and Technology: Our committee is launching new efforts to connect our members through social media. If you would like to be involved, contact Patrick Reilly or Cassie Fortin.
Would You Like a Guide?
If you would like to be involved in our committee, and aren't quite sure how to do it, we have a program in place to match you with a "guide" to provide more information on getting involved. Guides are responsible for contacting new Committee members (or anyone else who would like a guide) to encourage their involvement, understand their needs and wants as a member of the committee, and direct the individuals accordingly. So whether you are a new or old member looking to get more involved, email Bryan Browning to be assigned to or serve as a Guide.