DRI Commercial Litigation Committee: Publishing Opportunities
The Commercial Litigation Committee has a wide variety of publications and other opportunities for Committee members to publish articles and other content. Our bi-monthly e-newsletter, The Business Suit features cutting edge articles, substantive law reports, member successes, circuit reports, and lighter moments designed to educate and showcase our members. Our members also provide lead articles each year for an issue of For The Defense, DRI’s flagship magazine. For The Defense reaches over 25,000 members, judges and in-house counsel every month.
We always welcome new ideas for a Defense Library Series publication. Upcoming DLS publications include a 50-state compendium of trade secrets and noncompetition law and a 50-state compendium of class action procedural issues. To see other DLS titles, please go to LegalPoint.
If you’re interested in submitting content for any of these publications, please contact CLC Publications Committee Co-Chairs Jaime Weiss and Rusty Dorr for details about article requirements and scheduling.