Special Litigation Group Descriptions:
Plaintiffs' Regulatory Experts:
This SLG focuses on staying abreast of case law and important strategic developments regarding plaintiffs’ counsel’s favorite and often used regulatory experts. The goal of this SLG is to become a resource for committee members when they are facing these witnesses in depositions and trials. If you frequently face these experts, this SLG is a great way to join other practitioners in order to maximize synergies. SLG Chair, Amanda S. Kitts SLG Vice Chair, Victoria Davis Lockard.
Complex Medicine:
This SLG is focused on addressing emerging issues in medicine and science as they arise and dealing with Daubert, Frye, and other issues that arise when dealing with medical and scientific experts. The SLG also will assist practitioners in honing their skills in the development of defense experts and how to best position your client to defend against plaintiff's science and medical experts. The SLG will also be a resource for sharing information regarding key expert witnesses. SLG Chair, Erik William Snapp SLG Vice Chair, Eric Rumanek .
Class Action and Multi-Party Litigation:
This SLG addresses legal and strategic issues that the practitioner faces in MDL and consumer class actions. If you are interesting in staying on top the latest cases and legal developments in class action and multi-party cases, this SLG is the place for you. SLG Co-Chair, Jeffrey A. Holmstrand SLG Co-Chair, Steven F. Rosenhek SLG Co-Vice Chair, James M. Beck SLG Co-Vice Chair, Randy Sutton .
Defense of Generic Manufacturers:
This SLG is intended to address issues that are unique to the generic manufacturer. Whether the issue is how to address the latest preemption developments following Mensing or how to defend the “company story” at trial when the company did not develop the medication, this SLG is the perfect place to further your knowledge of how to defend generic manufacturers. SLG Chair, Joseph D. Cohen SLG Vice Chair, Jennifer Snyder Heis.
Defending Against Governmental Actions:
This SLG focuses its efforts on strategies and best practices for defending against actions brought by State Attorneys General and US Attorneys. These types of actions present unique theories and legal issues, and this SLG is designed to best posture your clients for investigations or lawsuits. SLG Chair, Peter G. Pappas.