We hope to "see" you at DRI's 2021 Appellate Advocacy Virtual Seminar, taking place Thursday, May 27. Earn multiple CLE credits, while learning about a variety of topics, ranging from remote arguments to using amicus briefs in appellate advocacy to building an appellate advocacy practice. Plus, don’t miss your chance to reconnect with peers from across the country during the virtual networking event. Register today!
Please select a category below to jump straight to the section.
Appellate Advocacy Full Agenda
Appellate Advocacy Speaker List
Earn up to 3.75 hours of continuing legal education hours from this seminar.
Appellate Advocacy CLE Information (PDF)
DRI’s 2021 Appellate Advocacy Virtual Seminar is proudly sponsored by:
If you would like to contact DRI about seminar sponsorship opportunities, including pricing, or to reserve a spot, please go to Advertising and Sponsorship.
Read the Event Terms, including DRI’s risk-free registration policy
Read the In-House Counsel and Claims Executives Initiatives
Adam W. HofmannProgram Chair
Matthew T. NelsonProgram Vice Chair
Lisa M. BairdCommittee Chair
Sarah E. SpencerCommittee Vice Chair
M. Re KnackLaw Institute
If you have any questions or concerns regarding DRI programs, please contact DRI Customer Service at 312.795.1101 or custservice@dri.org.